Abu Manshur al-Maturidi, Imam Aqidah Ahlusunnah wal

Abu Manshur al-Maturidi is a prominent Islamic scholar known for his contributions to the development and refinement of the Aqidah Ahlusunnah wal Jama’ah. He was born in the city of Samarqand, located in present-day Uzbekistan, in the year 853 CE. He spent his early years studying under the tutelage of his father, who was also a renowned scholar of his time.

Early Life and Education

Al-Maturidi received his primary education in his hometown of Samarqand, where he studied the basic Islamic sciences, including grammar, syntax, and rhetoric. He then went on to study under other prominent scholars of his time, including Imam Abu Hanifa’s student, Abu Yusuf.

He traveled extensively in search of knowledge, visiting places like Kufa, Baghdad, and Basra, where he studied Hadith under the leading scholars of the time. He also traveled west to Damascus and Egypt, where he studied under some of the most prominent scholars of the time, including Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal and Imam Shafi’i.

Contributions to Islamic Thought

Al-Maturidi is best known for his contributions to the development of the Aqidah Ahlusunnah wal Jama’ah. He was a staunch defender of the orthodox Sunni position and argued against the various sects that deviated from this position. He was known for his intellectual rigor and his ability to engage with other scholars in debates and discussions.

One of al-Maturidi’s most significant contributions to Islamic thought was his formulation of the principles of Islamic belief. He argued that Islamic beliefs must be based on the Quran and the authentic Hadith, and that reason and intellect must be used to understand and interpret these sources. He also emphasized the importance of relying on the consensus of the community and the opinions of the early scholars in matters of belief.


Al-Maturidi’s most significant work is his Kitab al-Tawhid, a comprehensive treatise on Islamic beliefs. In this work, he explains the Islamic concept of God, the attributes of God, and the importance of monotheism. He also discusses the role of reason and intellect in understanding Islamic beliefs and refutes the arguments of various sects that deviate from the orthodox Sunni position.

Al-Maturidi also wrote several other works, including a commentary on the Quran, a treatise on Islamic law, and a book on Islamic ethics. His works continue to be studied and used as references by scholars and students of Islamic studies around the world.


Al-Maturidi’s legacy continues to be felt in the Islamic world today. His contributions to the development of the Aqidah Ahlusunnah wal Jama’ah have helped to establish the orthodox Sunni position as the dominant view within the Islamic community. His emphasis on the importance of reason and intellect in understanding Islamic beliefs has also had a lasting impact on Islamic thought.

Today, many Islamic institutions and organizations around the world are named after al-Maturidi, and his works continue to be studied and revered by scholars and students of Islamic studies.


Abu Manshur al-Maturidi was a prominent Islamic scholar known for his contributions to the development and refinement of the Aqidah Ahlusunnah wal Jama’ah. He was a staunch defender of the orthodox Sunni position and argued against the various sects that deviated from this position. His legacy continues to be felt in the Islamic world today, and his works continue to be studied and revered by scholars and students of Islamic studies.